Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Pain of Being OK

I'm ok. I'm ok. I'm ok... That is something my dad has instructed me to say aloud when I feel anxiety or overwhelming emotions or have racing thoughts bombard my mind.
The mind is very powerful and is known to store all of our memories and even emotional responses to memories.
During this season I have experienced many moments when I am overwhelmed by what is going on inside my mind, emotions and body.
It helps me to understand that my body must rebuild after my deconstruction project...
my mind ,literally, must repair and learn new pathways for thought and response...
my emotions must purify themselves like water, by running them over the bedrock of my conscious thought.
With this knowledge, I adhere to 'acceptance'. I accept the path to recovery and restoration. And, in willingness, I turn over all care and concern to God.
Knowing that I have surrendered to the best of my ability, I rely on the eternal and unfailing love and power of an almighty Father. 
This is not easy for me and is accompanied by many tears. But, I believe that my prayers sown as tears will reap a harvest of unshakable joy.

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