So, I slipped up on my commitment to the 7 days of sexual purity. ....Really? The day after I posted about it. ...TODAY. But, I want to kick this thing in the teeth. It thinks it has me by the balls...and I guess it has. That is why I am posting this publicly. I am starting my 7 day cleanse over right now.
It will not have total power over me! Darkness, secrecy, shame, hidden places....these are my enemies. I cried over my disappointment in myself...I let myself feel the disappointment...I turned it over to God...I am walking on in hope.
This is a big one for me. I really do need all the prayer help I can get. I am tired of being a slave to sex and drugs. I am learning to go through my feelings and fears and not escape them.
My prayer: Daddy-God, help me to walk in your EMPOWERING PRESENCE...take away my shame...I can't carry me who I am...remind me that there is a better life...remind of the price you paid for my freedom...continue to show me a picture of a life outside of slavery. I need you...and I want to be close to you, even when my actions don't prove it. Be near me...comfort me...strengthen me...make me ok.
God help me today and through these next 7 days.
Prayed along with your prayer to our Heavenly Father--take one day at a time with Him. Be well.